Black and Mild Cigars
Black and Mild Cigars by Middleton Tobacco Company is by far, the most popular tipped-cigarillo brand in the world! Not only are they everyone’s preferred cigar, but they’re also one of the best-selling cigars in the world as well, which automatically confirms the brand’s popularity, at home and abroad.
Made with premium Virginia Cavendish tobacco, these cigars feature a mellow to mild-strengh profile that’s both rich in flavor and character. So if you’re looking a well-balanced casual cigar, then pick up a pack of blacks today and enjoy from several different unique and original flavors!
That’s right; at Discount Little Cigars we now offer Black and Mild cigars in Apple, Blues, Casino, Classics, Jazz, Sweets, Wine, Cream, Deluxe, Original, Shorts, Royale, Select, & Middleton’s Cherry Blend. Also, DLC offers wood tips, non-filtered, & filtered little cigars!
So as you can see, DLC goes all out to provide you with several flavors to select from. In fact, we offer all the flavors! Plus, we have many different package sizes available as well. On that note, pick up as many boxes of Black & Mild cigars as your heart desires! We ship nationwide and off the best prices online, guaranteed. Order now!